최고의 결산 (The Ultimate SKZ CODE Recap) #2|[SKZ CODE] Ep.70

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Stray Kids

Stray Kids

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최고의 결산 (The Ultimate SKZ CODE Recap) #2|[SKZ CODE(스키즈 코드)] Ep.70
✨ English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Indonesian & Thai subtitles are available!
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#StrayKids #스트레이키즈
#스키즈코드 #SKZCODE
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@emmajoy5764 Ай бұрын
It cracks me up that Lee Know is simultaneously the member the staff would want to be trapped on a deserted island with but would not want to be trapped in an elevator with hahaha
@r1m.iam12 27 күн бұрын
omg u´re right hahhahahah
@ssolara Ай бұрын
"I've never seen eyes that big" "Everytime when in this situation he asks if i prefer this company or the one before" "I don't know how to answer "what are you looking at" or "what?" Lee Know's relationship with Skijigi is so funny
@m.e.e.k. Ай бұрын
i had to pause the video at #2 to get over a fit of the giggles. he's the same with everyone as he is with the members 🐾
@Rainy143_XD Ай бұрын
@LauraArikawe 19 күн бұрын
@hellevated. Ай бұрын
I want to see straykids do actual part time jobs with actual unstaged customers. Like imagine lee know at the register of your local convenience store or as a barista lmao
@han3quokka Ай бұрын
@pauzarate2615 Ай бұрын
es el unico que ha trabjado alguna vez, igual seria divertido jajaj
@skzkyra Ай бұрын
i dont know if lee know would make it through the hole day 😂 UNLESSSS it was a CAT cafe 😼
@dudenamedana Ай бұрын
Imagine Lee Know nearing his shift all tired and he asked you "what?" with a straight face I will legit cry T^T
@easternarcher-w7c Ай бұрын
If Lee Know or any of the SKZ members worked at any store within a 100 mile radius of me, I'd go there ever single day! 😜
@sonamtsephel7764 Ай бұрын
I’m shocked that Lee Know didn’t win much awards, he always has the best moments and most replays for almost all Skz code episodes. This was such a fun episode, I hope they do this for every year
@blueoceanartacademia1361 14 күн бұрын
I swear
@jiniretttttt Ай бұрын
31:52 Lee know saying “tell them to die” is so Lee Know code and it reminds me of kids room talking about death and corrupt I.N 😂
@sabpchr0325 Ай бұрын
I feel robbed of the clips they showed for best couple and best teamwork award😂 but anyway this was so fun, I've been watching skz code from the very start and it always gives me comfort❤
@prathushadinesh7779 Ай бұрын
Makes me wonder what they said during best couple to get censored lol
@aleks18293 26 күн бұрын
@@prathushadinesh7779 I thought my video was glitching or sth, the way they rushed through it.
@norahchiron3927 8 күн бұрын
​@@prathushadinesh7779 I think it's because a lot of fans weren't happy that they chose Hyunlix as the best couple while the guys all chose Minsung and so did the fans.They may have preferred to remove this passage to avoid continuing comments on it. This is just a simple hypothesis, but it seems logical given the reactions 😅
@honeyedlix 3 күн бұрын
@@prathushadinesh7779 yeah same. ik that's how kpop is but sometimes the censorship sucks
@Chinchi134 Ай бұрын
"Nonsense, he can soak" is somehow even more brutal than the original "Lee Know, what can you do in the water" 😂
@rachi3960 Ай бұрын
that was actually! even worse🤣🤣
@divanandadealova1643 Ай бұрын
What can lee know do in water except soaking XD
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@@Chinchi134 ewwwwwwwwww 🤮🤮🤮🤮
@rachi3960 Ай бұрын
@ fall 😂
@annwee5985 Ай бұрын
Skzjigi are literally skz but with less filter aha 😂 especially the editors they're menaces
@Stay805 Ай бұрын
when lee know said: "STAY always stay happy and healthy. WE HOPE YOURE ALWAYS LOVED and you find success in all you do." nobody ever said this to me. I cant even explain how much this means to me. How much SKZ means to me. Thank you so much. Thank you for always being there for STAYs. We really appreciate your hard work and will support you forever. SKZ STAY fighting!
@susannasternberg5474 Ай бұрын
Thank you! I feel the same.
@Straykids.herre8 Ай бұрын
3:01 But let's talk about how cute Foive years old Channie speaks here
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@@Straykids.herre8 🤮🤮🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮
@stay.youtiful.143 Ай бұрын
Foive year old Channie is the cutest thing ever! I hope we get to see more of him for a long time!
@RAND0M_FL0FF-i4z Ай бұрын
I know, Channie is so cute!!
@HanisSyaurah Ай бұрын
Channie cuteee😊
@Jiere21 Ай бұрын
20:06 “we want to see the ghost you kept calling handsome” seungmin’s compliment to the ghost is the reason for the staff to vote the ep
@johanliebert-h3u Ай бұрын
it's so funny 'cause nobody expected that episode to win. even seungmin was in disbelief 😆
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@@Jiere21 😑😑😑😑
@psyduck3 Ай бұрын
even skijigi is curious 😂😂😂 blame seungmin for making the scene. Please make an appearence "handsome ghost"
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@@psyduck3 Shut up please
@jaytch6639 Ай бұрын
They needed to know who was so handsome they could get seungmin acting unwise 😅
@Hans__toenailfr Ай бұрын
3:46 Not Han forgetting that Channie is his son, this man has a memory of a goldfish istg😭
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
Eww the disgusting thing ever
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@@Hans__toenailfr shut up 😏
@Hans__toenailfr Ай бұрын
@@Bellebelle2006 go ahead. shut me up honey, will you?
@josi0.062 Ай бұрын
no space for old stuff when there’s always nee stuff going on in there :D
@NOvezova2008 Ай бұрын
​@@Bellebelle2006You'd better shut up yourself
@Random_skzfan Ай бұрын
20:40 omg I can't get enough of lee know this episode he's so sassy "changbin do you think you won?" "right neither do I" 😭
@User_shikhahalder Ай бұрын
17:13 I'm gonna cry everyone's choosing seungmin is making me happy
@zaistars Ай бұрын
"Let's throw Changbin to the zombies first, that'll keep them busy for a couple days" 😭😭 Lee know is so funny
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@zaistars 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
@Leeknow750 Ай бұрын
ضحكني والله😭😭
@kaiiixx2245 Ай бұрын
@@Leeknow750اكثر شي يضضحححك ولا لما قال بروتين بصوت زومبي 😭😭😭😭
@zaistars Ай бұрын
@kaiiixx2245 omg frfr
@Leeknow750 Ай бұрын
@@kaiiixx2245 ايي طول الحلقه ما ضحكني الا لينو 😭😭😭
@zarrysrose Ай бұрын
Felix's "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE. I NEED ENGLISH" not being there in best rage nomination is CRIME😭
@xtasteofemox Ай бұрын
It wasn’t included because it isn’t from a SKZ Code ep.
@just2boredkids Ай бұрын
@Staa-pn2sd Ай бұрын
Unfortunately it's not a skz code episode... if it was i'm 99% sure it would've won one of the categories lol
@MrunmayeePanchal-gz6mb Ай бұрын
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@@zarrysrose 🤢🤮🤮 ewwwww
@AdvRaziaSultana Ай бұрын
I am so happy to see Seungmin smiling and laughing throughout the episode ❤ I love it when he doesn't hide his precious and beautiful smile ❤❤❤😊🤗
@ayedominoleeknow Ай бұрын
@hearts4felix Ай бұрын
@jessieleahughes5214 Ай бұрын
@CuteLittleBasket Ай бұрын
I’m so happy for them
@chelseaocean13 Ай бұрын
@Skzlover-m2r Ай бұрын
@@hearts4felixsame I watched that skz episode so many times the dodgeball one!! It was so funny ❤love skz!
@nayhaano Ай бұрын
I.N being all nominees in worst athletic play was so funny and skz's reaction to that did not disappoint lol😂😂😂
@АннаАнгелова-щ9с Ай бұрын
Jeongin the best
@Antarasakshi Ай бұрын
Fr i laughed so hard😂😂
@XDarklight-XD Ай бұрын
Yeah 😂😂
@annwee5985 Ай бұрын
Fr when I saw the options in the form I burst out laughing for a solid 5 mins it was so funny😂
@savvyphilosopher Ай бұрын
I feel like we needed some of Han’s sport attempts there too 🤣🤍
@izzybwood3498 Ай бұрын
The comments from staff about what Lee Know says to them in the elevator took me out 😂 Never change Lee Know ❤
@neogurinana Ай бұрын
nah i wouldve got offended
@LinozzPudding Ай бұрын
Exactly never change leeknow🩷cause i personally loveee his personality!!
@loveskzsvt Ай бұрын
No doubt, Skz Family is really a top tier. I can watch it so many times without getting bored. Skz and their editors are effortlessly funny HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I REALLY LOVE THEM SO MUCH
@CheshtaGera-t5z Ай бұрын
The way Felix said "give me my balls" I was rolling on the floor 😂
@americanoo109 Ай бұрын
@Dwaekki_At_Hearteu Ай бұрын
IKR 😭😭
@justleeactually Ай бұрын
Sameeee, this has to become a meme
@sablgrl01 Ай бұрын
SAME 😂 I was laughing so hard ! Had to replay it few times!
@KaeSF16 27 күн бұрын
@roommatejared3449 Ай бұрын
u can really tell that lee know genuinely means what he said about hoping that each and every one of you are loved and find success in what you work for. aaaa
@salliejones6002 Ай бұрын
Lino 🥲🩵
@psycho-maniac Ай бұрын
Leeknow wished that we be loved, but I want love from you too leeknow.... Please keep us blessed with more love and affection! And more lovely and funny contents to make us happy!! 🥰🥰😇😘
@Mina_c Ай бұрын
25:42 "everyone, have a skrr evening" OH NO THE HAN LINGO HAS GOTTEN TO HIM
@SKZ_4_L1F3 Ай бұрын
@muhvaknows4047 27 күн бұрын
33:09 stop the way Minho was looking at Changbin he’s so cat coded 😭 🤚
@blackaster_ Ай бұрын
NOT THEM GOING BACK TO THE 1ST EPISODE SPOT OMG I'LL CRY 😭😭😭 just seeing the preview of the snowy landscape hit hard ;-; I loved this recap, as someone who's seen all the episode throughout the years it was so nostalgic and heartwarming.. I'm glad to see that the boys had fun as well! Skz code will forever be my comfort show. Thank you to all the people that make this series possible 💕
@whoknows.201 Ай бұрын
I KNOWWWWW i remember when that episode came out and its still one of my favourites to this day 😭 i cant wait to see them go back i almost screamed when i recognised it
@ludmilanayelifernandez6932 Ай бұрын
I also started crying when I saw the snow 😢 it brought back memories from last year when I saw all the skzcode last year 😭😭
@chloesylloe9877 Ай бұрын
The snow SKZ episodes are still my favorite ones after all these years, I can't believe they're going back, I'm so happy and I can't waiiiiit!
@susannasternberg5474 Ай бұрын
Same here! Do you have a favorite?
@Straykids_ATE-ot8 Ай бұрын
The way they included Lee know's cats in the intro.. 💕💕
@elizabethtorres2132 Ай бұрын
@Stanningskzz Ай бұрын
21:25 The way leeknow says "Got a problem huh" got me rolling in floor🖐🤣🤣
@Wapulz1989 Ай бұрын
LK is an amazing host! He's so entertaining, and it's clear that hosting brings out the best in him. Every time he's on, he shows happiness and playfulness!
@악마토끼98 Ай бұрын
the relationship between skijigi to lino is really hilarious
@justbxcca Ай бұрын
I love that most skijigi voted to be stranded with lino but they wouldnt wanna get stuck in an elevator with him. The duality of man right there lol
@psycho-maniac Ай бұрын
who you want to be with on an island? -- answer survival skills expert leeknow who is the most awkward in elevator? -- answer menace savage leeknow who pokes into their bellies and butts the most? -- answer butt hunter leeknow who looks through/into their heart and soul with big eyes? -- answer menace boba eyed leeknow who asks them weird questions? -- answer our 4d random leeknow who investigates their puffy face is from alcohol, over-eating, or over-sleeping? -- answer menace observing leeknow who makes dad jokes? -- answer cutie leeknow who is the most affectionate, caring when drunk? -- answer affable leeknow who is the one who gives both hard-tough pure love to his youngers? -- answer mommy leeknow [chan's wife]
@FloraMay95 Ай бұрын
They adore him, whoever denies this can't read a room to be honest
@urchi198 Ай бұрын
12:15 the way lee know said to skip and they actually skipped chan's speech😭
@tapioooca5182 Ай бұрын
they didn't skip it he pretended to speak fast himself and they added that effect 😂😂
@curlygirl98 Ай бұрын
I love the most at how genuinely they laughed at their own moments. Starting with I.N and his worst best athlete clips to the recap of the most popular SKZ Code episodes is just so wholesome. I loved every second of it and laughed so hard. 🩷
@StraykidsMakeMe_Stay Ай бұрын
21:51 “happy new year!” Jeongins English is so cuteee 🥰
@hueningpie_tobinah Ай бұрын
Lee Know's unpredictability is his charming point. I love him for who he is. And his big boba eyes are my favorite. He's so handsome, I'm sure he gets shy if someone gives him attention and that's why he asks what they're looking at. Seungmin faced that recently while the "Twilight" stage in Hong Kong and he said it's Karma. 😂
@MinaKim-y8l Ай бұрын
I agree ~
@리노야 Ай бұрын
This moment is so sweet 21:19 Lee Know getting hyped up by Han ❤
@Kosta01 Ай бұрын
3:48 Han:You are my son?! 5 year old Bang Chan: Mommy...😭 This is gold😂😂😂
@stray8rise1438 Ай бұрын
26:24 Didn't knew them watching themselves was something I needed ❤
@lee_pudding-98 22 күн бұрын
Fr its the best thing ever 😊
@wongcarmelia1413 Ай бұрын
28:15 Seungmin finally showed up his smile instead of covering it…🥹🥹🥹
@skylarplayz7210 Ай бұрын
Yesss! ❤ His smile is so nice to look at-it’s so sad he doesn’t see it that way 😢
@Chris-mz2si Ай бұрын
This is what I love about them. The fact that they’re famous but don’t take themselves too seriously and are not afraid to have fun and just be bad at things with the whole world watching. If they weren’t idols you would think they were a comedy KZbin act cause their shows are that good.
@NoEasyBestAlbum Ай бұрын
I’m still inlove with the new skzoo intro ❣️
@OjasviChauhanTemasekjc-dd2bs Ай бұрын
@TharnthanyaLimprasit Ай бұрын
they even have soonie doogie and dori
@Kpopholic_4L Ай бұрын
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
Why do you love them they are disgusting yooo
@skzhanjisung921 Ай бұрын
@-x_lucy_x- Ай бұрын
"Everyone, have a skrr evening" Lee Know has spent too much time with Han 💀
@NoEasyBestAlbum Ай бұрын
Haha the cute Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin thumbnail had me click asap! All 8 of them are truly the best🫶🏻💕 (Felix and Chan being cute 😭❣️)
@damselflyable Ай бұрын
Stay please help us to get Lee Knows cover of Love Me or Leave Me to 12M views by the 1st Anniversary on the 22nd Feb, it's at 11.6M so we need to increase the views. 💪💪
@Baekyun_Drawz Ай бұрын
Same 😭❤️❤️❤️
@NoEasyBestAlbum Ай бұрын
@@damselflyable on it! 🫡
@Cream_K4naf-128 Ай бұрын
SKZ members are really great, Felix and Chan are literally one of the cutest artists 🥹❤️‍🩹
@lvrslzc_3 Ай бұрын
@minww.7 Ай бұрын
@MuhammadAzam-m3h Ай бұрын
@Cheesecake-r9z Ай бұрын
Yes. 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
@rjt318 Ай бұрын
YESSSS our underrated king
@Lorys_art Ай бұрын
Olha minha querida os episódios são do stray kids e não do seungmin
@ChocolateNayah Ай бұрын
@cischeesi Ай бұрын
@LiciBe99 Ай бұрын
fr 🤣
@damselflyable Ай бұрын
Our president hard at work. 😍
@bhumika5113 25 күн бұрын
I bet #SKZCODE is the only show where members review their performances of all their previous shows that they were a part of and have them hand out awards to the winners that too with such a realistic grand ceremony-like setup. I am Like “WOW”. They deserve to win a DAESANG for this.
@EnhaXskz Ай бұрын
이것은 발렌타인에서 가장 좋은 선물입니다.
@FelixwqXskzッのぱじ Ай бұрын
@Yuna-Stay-leeknowairfryer Ай бұрын
@Riristansskz Ай бұрын
@ДуйгуВелимамедли Ай бұрын
@Skzzzzlover4ever Ай бұрын
@EmIdc Ай бұрын
20:56 Leeknow choosing Han and Chngbin immediately saying it's cause Leeknow wants to be stuck with him on a deserted island...I love our president
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@@EmIdc 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
@EmIdc Ай бұрын
@@Bellebelle2006 what about me quoting a moment in the video is disgusting to you
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@@EmIdc They are disgusting, oh my, I hate them so much.
@cas5196 Ай бұрын
The way they skipped the "best couple" anouncement though when they all voted for Lee Know and Han but Changbin and Felix somehow won lol
@EmIdc Ай бұрын
@ very interesting indeed, where’s this fanservice I’ve heard so much about
@elizabethadracul120 Ай бұрын
I love the intro and how even Lee Knows cats are included at the bottom it's so well done and so cute. These last two episodes where so much fun to watch. Just seeing how the lads all react was so entertaining and heart warming. All the skz throw out such positive vibes in these videos. Oh and that zombie idea the lads where throwing about sounds great fun not only for them to take part in but for us stays to watch. Especially after how funny the school ghosts episodes went.
@resceneweb 27 күн бұрын
14:19 "I'm Han, who was an alien but became human" I'M CRYING SIR
@unicorn-yuuji Ай бұрын
27:19 "the subtitles!" YES whenever i watch any episode subtitles makes it funnier 😭😭😭😭
@neuro_divergent._. Ай бұрын
@Well.idc.anymore 18 сағат бұрын
Being awkward doesn’t sound a bad thing for me, it’s just a personality. And he would be quite awkward and intimidating
@renaid Ай бұрын
I knew that Seungmin will win the Best Contribution award, my boy had so many memorable moments on skzcode. It's no surprise lol.
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
I hate these boys
@SongYEonHuo Ай бұрын
but really honestly, after talking all about "being trapped on a deserted island", I lowkey somehow want them to have a SKZ CODE of it for a day
@quokkavely Ай бұрын
13:49 no cap Bangchan really knows Stays well.... Bro's always lurking around on Stays online
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@@quokkavely eewwwwwwww
@Sb19luna_meee Ай бұрын
The fact that Chan and Felix did their KID voice brought me so much memorieee!💙
@hirokiakinaoko6560 Ай бұрын
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@@Sb19luna_meee ewwwwwww 😑🤢
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@@Sb19luna_meee ewwwwwwwwww
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@@hirokiakinaoko6560 noooooooo i hate this insect 😬🤮😑
@Jxst_infinite Ай бұрын
​@@Bellebelle2006 ew Belle i smell someone burning with jealousy 🤢🤢🤢
@salimasaliu3924 Ай бұрын
12:15 lee know’s “ skip please” tho😭
@Theresa-kp8xr Ай бұрын
We should do a award for the best smile and give it to Seungmin!
@mistyfern7382 Ай бұрын
2:27 Seungmin's very hearty laugh... he really said "your suffering is my happiness"... 😂😂😂
@Carazachiel Ай бұрын
25:10 Felix's reaction is so cute and genuine ! Guess he just have to accompany Lee-Know in the hellevator and everything's gonna be alright !
@Lulu_dlrm Ай бұрын
For real
@SimranBharti-jv4om Ай бұрын
This whole SKZ code is hilarious I laughed so Hard and I need to rewatch the whole Thing...everyone is so cute...And at last I love every sheds of Lee know once Han said if you fell for lee know their is no way out now I believe it....
@psycho-maniac Ай бұрын
yeah, no way out now, for me also 😒
@Vladerwick Ай бұрын
@revezein Ай бұрын
5 years old Chan is one of the best thing happened in SKZ Family/Code
@jymochii Ай бұрын
When Bangchan started crying exactly the same way as the SKZ Family ep was so funny! 😆
@MariFer_09 Ай бұрын
Right? He's so cute 🥰 i love it.
@User_shikhahalder Ай бұрын
17:28 yessssssssss.......felix is truly seungmin's best friend whenever he chooses seungmin he always won... I'm so happy he deserves this award
@ThisumiSilva Ай бұрын
They're both my bias 😅
@prettyawkwardthings Ай бұрын
2:27 hands down the best worst of I.N 😂 I rewatch this episode just to laugh at him and Lee Know
@wzlia Ай бұрын
25:08 Why are they even shocked. Lee know is really unpredictable and sometimes hes too quiet and thats explain why people might feel awkward around him😭😭😭
@akissiDraw Ай бұрын
I directly answered Leeknow, i love him he is my vias but i just KNOW he is the most awkward one😭🤣
@marjor496 Ай бұрын
Maybe because Skijigi chose LK to be stranded with on a desert island...
@psycho-maniac Ай бұрын
who you want to be with on an island? -- answer survival skills expert leeknow who is the most awkward in elevator? -- answer menace savage leeknow who pokes into their bellies and butts the most? -- answer butt hunter leeknow who looks through/into their heart and soul with big eyes? -- answer menace boba eyed leeknow who asks them weird questions? -- answer our 4d random leeknow who investigates their puffy face is from alcohol, over-eating, or over-sleeping? -- answer menace observing leeknow who makes dad jokes? -- answer cutie leeknow who is the most affectionate, caring when drunk? -- answer affable leeknow who is the one who gives both hard-tough pure love to his youngers? -- answer mommy leeknow [chan's wife]
@mordecaiissad8529 Ай бұрын
Honestly he's gotten a lot better but I'm their old videos more than half the time he seems like he's unsure how to human 😂
@winne208 Ай бұрын
I think it’s cause Leeknow’s actually really chatty around people, so most won’t think it’s awkward when someone is talking. But when that person is Leeknow and his conversation topics are things that breaks boundaries like asking abt prev companies, it will cause awkwardness😂( I still remember when staff complained about Leeknow being too straightforward in his convos cause he’s so good at picking out details)
@도리농 Ай бұрын
18:39 리노가 mc에 잘 맞긴하다 제일 안정적이고 끊김없이 진행하네
@Charli.vlsh143 Ай бұрын
this episode got me nearly crying cause I thought it would be the last one and then they showed THE FRST EVER EPISODE YIPPIEE
@Straykids.herre8 Ай бұрын
2:13 I'm living for the way Changbin laughs. Lmao you can hear him laughing here
@melaniepblc5754 Ай бұрын
Me toooo I love his laugh so much x)
@stay.youtiful.143 Ай бұрын
Me too I love Binnie's Laugh!
@skz._.miniverse08 Ай бұрын
26:06 The best part i love them laughing and being happy watching themselves it's so lively and cute 🥹🌷
@Hazel-ys4tb Ай бұрын
@luana-f18 Ай бұрын
SKZ-Code is my favorite thing ever, it makes me so happy to watch it. When I'm feeling down, it always lifts up my mood. Loved the recap and I'm excited for the new episodes to come
@stephaniesaindon4868 Ай бұрын
I.N was not messing around with that punishment 😂 So excited to have another fun winter skz code episode ❤
@skibidiberry04 Ай бұрын
31:53 lee know whyyy hahahaha, I love his humor😆😆
@sole0718 Ай бұрын
Now that I had the chance to see a summary of skz code I realized that Seo Changbin and Kim Seungmin give a lot of life and fun to each chapter! They all have their moments of course, but those two are the heart of the fun in almost every chapter in my opinion.
@psycho-maniac Ай бұрын
leeknow and han as well!
@lex_hyn 15 күн бұрын
32:52 and here my tears fell🥹 and the way lix said saranghae i just can’t ❤️‍🩹
@renuphilip7288 Ай бұрын
25:12 "Everytime he asks whether i prefer this company or the previous one" I cantt🤣🤣🤣😭🤚
@LLLlucas Ай бұрын
2:31 I don't know if I've heard Seungmin laugh like that before lol
@Starss_and_Raindrops Ай бұрын
@YoboYama Ай бұрын
I believe,Seungmin is real aristocrat in real life!
@majos6676 Ай бұрын
Ha 💸 ha💸 ha💸 He laughs like a singer 😂
@p34chyves Ай бұрын
@celinefuchs4095 Ай бұрын
There are already many comments here, so mine will probably go unnoticed…but to every single member of Stray Kids and the whole team that puts together SKZ CODE…thank you, with all my heart. I started watching these videos around the time I moved to Korea as an English teacher a couple of years ago, and along with other SKZ content, they brought me a lot of comfort, made me feel less alone as I navigated a new world and life, and made me laugh so much, which really helped on days when adjusting to life in Korea was particularly challenging. I later started studying some Korean through these videos as well. Many things about Stray Kids positively impacted my life around the time I moved to Korea, music of course being one of the biggest, but as this episode is to celebrate SKZ CODE, I wanted to focus for a moment on my gratitude for these videos specifically. Thank you to the members and staff for your hard work, and please know, it makes a huge difference. 진짜 너무 감사합니다~~
@TarindiJayawardana Ай бұрын
STAY's ideas are SO unique and hilarious... Like, I literally cannot WAIT to see what new skz code episodes we'll get this year!
@yowrr479 Ай бұрын
22:49 thats why you're the paboracha leader hyunjin 😭😭
@Dowaakm Ай бұрын
I cannot figure out how this idea could come to his head🤣
@GarraMinji Ай бұрын
The "mad" lee know is soo cute🤗😭
@T.K-m8t Ай бұрын
@Nika1997 Ай бұрын
When you're standing in an elevator with Lee Know and he asks, "What are you looking at?", just answer that you're looking at his big beautiful eyes🌝 Changbini's laughter is literally a magic pill for a bad mood, I don't know how it works, but laugh more often💞
@WithLovefromStranger Ай бұрын
6:57 Life is better with Changbin’s laughter😂😂😂😂
@cischeesi Ай бұрын
21:28 LMAOO HIS “HUH”😭😭
@avatarbluy Ай бұрын
27:49 Excuse me, Binnie but us as a fandom quite love your laugh. A SKZ CODE is not complete without it🤍🤍🤍
@s.seungberry Ай бұрын
8:02 yongbok its time to go to bed
@yadiravillalobos8392 Ай бұрын
@liyow9899 Ай бұрын
"give me my balls" HELPPPPP😭🙏
@_chansdimples Ай бұрын
@Charli.vlsh143 Ай бұрын
this took me out bro
@Sb19luna_meee Ай бұрын
Lee know's Cat stare at Chang in at the end is so funny!💙
@Yongbokieee44 Ай бұрын
The skzoo intro with sonnie,Donnie and Dori is just so adorable. 😭💗
@anonymous_myel Ай бұрын
I didn't notice that, omg their stomps are cuteeee 💗
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@@anonymous_myel nnooooooo you're the cute just. 🫦
@sfykc05 Ай бұрын
Official member of skzoo too 😂❤
@Queen-d3q Ай бұрын
Their laughter is amazing. I hope this laughter remains on their faces. Changbin's laughter is like a doll's. How amazing they are. No matter how much I watch this episode, I can never get tired of it. I love you, stray Kids ❤❤😊❤
@aishaosman3440 Ай бұрын
"I've never seen someone with eyes that big before " is actually insane and had me cackling. ( I really know my bias cuz i knew he would be chosen as the most awkward)
@klutz0801 Ай бұрын
same i knew too
@annv2009 Ай бұрын
He knew it too🙈 he had so proud smile when he saw answer​@@klutz0801
@Ryu-201 Ай бұрын
Innie turned the tables. 🤣🤣And that's why I love skz, never failing to make us laugh.
@Pinkshadow_skz Ай бұрын
Valentine's days best ever gift: SKZ CODE
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
Oh, the worst thing ever.
@changbinnieisacutie Ай бұрын
@@Bellebelle2006 why r u hating bro??
@Bellebelle2006 Ай бұрын
@BaldHyunjinInYourArea It's none of your business, brother. Keep your limits so I don't hate you too.
@LinozzPudding Ай бұрын
Why are you watching then!?
@changbinnieisacutie Ай бұрын
@ Im in my limits but i think u r crossing ur limits, and idc if u hate on me, ur probably a 10 year old who has no life so they hate on others cuz they've got nothing else to do, and why r u watching skz in the first place if u dont even like them, i dont understand these fckin haters
@Muslimah-i6j Ай бұрын
3:51 Not 5 year old chan crying-😭Hyunjin and han went to comfort him after forgetting he is their son🤣🤣
@AlyssaHsue Ай бұрын
Hyunjin's reaction to changbin and Felix winning best couple- "SiR?!" Han said "skrrr" lee know replied with "yeah"😂😂
@K-Popworld-skzstay Ай бұрын
My baby minsung should have won!!!😭🤣😭
@Sparklebutterfly14 Ай бұрын
Hyunlix should have won❤😂
@Stanningskzz Ай бұрын
like seriously how minsung didn't win LMAO
@hitchhiker6407 Ай бұрын
Why did they rush through the Best Couple and Best Teamwork prizes?
@LinozzPudding Ай бұрын
​@@Stanningskzz ikr even skz chose Minsung😂 i still can't believe that Stays actually didn't choose Minsung!!
@Alleymare Ай бұрын
I.N. came prepared with the penalty for the other members with a side of extra petty. 😂 This was so funny!
@liza_pet Ай бұрын
He's so handsome, charismatic, and charming, my heart is seriously breaking.😭 Seungmin deserves the best.❤
@tiaOdndbxj Ай бұрын
30:14 very adamant about his career choices Han😂
@shannanlagang7496 Ай бұрын
I love SKZ Code because they always look like they are having so much fun and they smile and laugh a lot. Seeing them having fun together brings me so much joy.
@HibaAlae-z1n Ай бұрын
Lee know💗💞 as an introvert i'm proud of u for Being your self❤ listening more than talking it's our game✌
@easternarcher-w7c Ай бұрын
Agreed! #IntrovertsUnite 😎
@HabibNmvg Ай бұрын
True i love him bkz of that
@sreemantidey Ай бұрын
Lee know is extrovert 😅
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